keywords multiple regression, path analysis, lavaan, multivatiate regression

Draft version, mistakes may be around

In this example we show how to estimate simple regression models with PATHj. The aim is threefold: first, it may help seeing how the SEM module can estimate path analysis, and see how path analysis encompasses models usually estimated with the General Linear Model (but look at GAMLj module for a specialized module in jamovi). Second, we are going to estimate some models discussed in UCLA statistical consulting webpage, so one can compare the results obtained in lavaan with the ones obtained in PATHj. Third, we show how to add some interesting test and twist to simple regression models.

Much of the output that PATHj produces is labeled as it is in lavaan R package output, so lots of information can be found in lavaan help and tutorials

Research data

The data we use can be found here at UCLA. The sample is composed by 500 students, each with 9 observed variables: Motivation (motiv), Harmony (harm), Stability (stabi), Negative Parental Psychology (ppsych), SES, Verbal IQ (verbal), Reading (read), Arithmetic (arith) and Spelling (spell). They are all continuous variables.

Simple regression (Model 1A)

First, we estimate a simple regression with read as dependent (endogenous) variable and motiv as independent (exogenous) variable.


In PATHj we set the variables roles in the first panel as shown here: The dependent variable goes in the Endogenous Variables field, and the independent variable goes in the Exogenous Variables field.

Then we specify the endogenous variable predictor in the Endogenous Models panel

Because we want to see the path diagram of the model (although in this case is too simple to be interesting), we ask for the path diagram in the Path Diagram panel.


General info

 Models Info                                               
   Estimation Method                   ML              .   
   Number of observations              500                 
   Free parameters                     3                   
   Converged                           TRUE                
   Loglikelihood user model            -1777.823           
   Loglikelihood unrestricted model    -1777.823           
   Model                               read ~ motiv        

The first table we obtain informs us about the sample size, the model we run, and the log-likelihood. We have 500 cases, upon which we estimated the read~motiv model, which requires 3 free parameters: The effect of motiv on read, the variance of read and the intercept.

Loglikelihood user model and Loglikelihood unrestricted model are the same and indicate the log likelihood of the model. They are the same because we did not restrict any parameter, so the user model is the unrestricted model.

Overall tests


 Model Tests                                        
   Label             X²          df    p            
   Baseline Model    164.8774     1    < .0000001   

 Fit Indices                                                                                           
   AIC         BIC         adj. BIC    SRMR         RMSEA        Lower        Upper        RMSEA p     
   3561.645    3574.289    3564.767    0.0000001    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000                

 Fit Indices                                                                    
   CFI          TLI          RNI          GFI          adj. GFI     pars. GFI   
   1.0000000    1.0000000    1.0000000    1.0000000    1.0000000    0.0000000   

Model tests table reports the chi-square of the whole model. Because there is no fixed parameter, the model chi-square is zero, and it is not shown. The Baseline model row refers to the comparison between the user model, that is read~motiv, and a model in which the variables covariance is set to zero. In this case, it is simply testing that the effect of motiv on read is different from zero.

Fit indices are the standard indices reported is structural equation models.


The \(R^2\) and its’ confidence interval is reported. For details about the C.I. estimation, please refer to PATHj computation details


 Parameter Estimates                                                                                           
   Dep     Pred     Estimate     SE            Lower        Upper        β            z           p            
   read    motiv    0.5300000    0.03792361    0.4556711    0.6043289    0.5300000    13.97546    < .0000001   

The Parameter Estimates table reports the regression coefficients. Notice that the Estimate is the B coefficient, and the \(\beta\) is the fully standardized coefficient. In this case they are equal because the variables have the same variance (100), which implies that B and \(\beta\) are equal.

Additional parameters

 Variances and Covariances                                                                                                                  
   Variable 1    Variable 2    Estimate    SE          Lower       Upper       β            z           p             Method    Type        
   read          read          71.76618    4.538892    62.87012    80.66225    0.7191000    15.81139    < .0000001    Estim     Residuals   
   motiv         motiv         99.80000    0.000000    99.80000    99.80000    1.0000000                              Sample    Variables   

The Variances and Covariances table reports variables estimated parameters. As regards read, we obtain the estimated residual variance (cf. columns Type and Method). For motiv, we obtain the whole variance computed in the sample. This happens because, by default, PATHj assumes the exogenous variables to be fixed variables, like in standard regression. This is usually a good idea, but in case one wants to estimate also the variances of the exogenous variables, one can unselect the option Parameters Options -> Fixed Exogenous. Alternatively, one can estimate this variance by specifying in Custom Model Setting the code motive~~motive.

The Intercepts table reports the intercepts. Coherently with the fact that the variables are centered to their means in the original data-set, all intercepts are 0.

   Variable    Intercept    SE           Lower         Upper        z            p           
   read        0.0000000    0.3788567    -0.7425454    0.7425454    0.0000000    1.0000000   
   motiv       0.0000002    0.0000000     0.0000002    0.0000002                             

These results, in terms of coefficients and \(R^2\), are equivalent to the results one would obtain with a standard OLS regression.

Multiple regression (Model 2)


In model 2 we add a second predictor ppsych, first in the variables role panel, then to the endogenous variables model.


Results are in line with a standard multiple regression model. The path diagram is as follows

We do not go through the output again, because we would find the same tables with the same interpretation as before. However, we can do something with this model that OLS regression does not allow to do with simplicity. We test the null-hypothesis that the two predictors have the same effect. In other words, we test that the effect from motiv to read is not different from the effect from ppsych to read.

Let’s look at the parameters we have just estimated.

 Parameter Estimates                                                                                                 
   Dep     Pred      Estimate      SE            Lower         Upper         β             z            p            
   read    motiv      0.4613333    0.03719135     0.3884396     0.5342270     0.4613333    12.404318    < .0000001   
   read    ppsych    -0.2746667    0.03719135    -0.3475604    -0.2017730    -0.2746667    -7.385230    < .0000001   

 Variances and Covariances                                                                                                                      
   Variable 1    Variable 2    Estimate     SE          Lower        Upper        β             z           p             Method    Type        
   read          read           64.70766    4.092472     56.68656     72.72876     0.6483733    15.81139    < .0000001    Estim     Residuals   
   motiv         motiv          99.80000    0.000000     99.80000     99.80000     1.0000000                              Sample    Variables   
   motiv         ppsych        -24.95000    0.000000    -24.95000    -24.95000    -0.2500000                              Sample    Variables   
   ppsych        ppsych         99.80000    0.000000     99.80000     99.80000     1.0000000                              Sample    Variables   

We want to test the null-hypothesis .461=-.275. This test makes sense because the two coefficients have the same scale, as indicated by the fact that motiv and ppsych have the same variance (see Variances and Covariances table).

To obtain this test, we need to restrict the two coefficients to be equal. We go to Custom Model Settings and flag the option Show parameters labels.

Parameters labels are shortcuts to refer to a coefficient used in lavaan syntax. PATHj assigns automatically a label to each parameter from p1 to pk, where k is the number of parameters in the model. Parameters labels are shown in the tables.

 Parameter Estimates                                                                                                          
   Label    Dep     Pred      Estimate      SE            Lower         Upper         β             z            p            
   p1       read    motiv      0.4613333    0.03719135     0.3884396     0.5342270     0.4613333    12.404318    < .0000001   
   p2       read    ppsych    -0.2746667    0.03719135    -0.3475604    -0.2017730    -0.2746667    -7.385230    < .0000001   

We see in the table that the two coefficients that are interesting us are labeled p1 and p2. Thus, we go to the Custom Model Settings panel and constraints them as equal.

The output now reports the coefficients as equal to .093.

 Parameter Estimates                                                                                                       
   Label    Dep     Pred      Estimate      SE            Lower         Upper        β             z           p           
   p1       read    motiv     0.09333336    0.03627549    0.02223470    0.1644320    0.09333336    2.572904    0.0100849   
   p2       read    ppsych    0.09333336    0.03627549    0.02223470    0.1644320    0.09333335    2.572904    0.0100849   

In the output we also find a new table, Constraints Score Tests, which provides a chi-square test comparing the original model with the constrained model with the two coefficients set as equal. The test null-hypothesis is that they are equal, thus if one finds the test to be significant, one can reject the null-hypothesis. In this case, the coefficients can be considered as statistically different.

 Constraints Score Tests                                                
   Type          Par 1          Par 2    X²          df    p            
   Univariate    p1       ==    p2       171.5212     1    < .0000001   

We the same logic, one can test any reasonable hypothesis in a model by restricting the appropriate coefficients to be equal or to equate a specific value.

Multivariate regression

(Models 3A-E)

We can now add some endogenous dependent variables. We add arith (arithmetic test score) as dependent variable in the model, with motiv and ppsych as predictors of read, and only motiv as predictor of arith. The path diagram looks like this.

We obtain this model by adding arith to the Endogeneous Variables field, and then defining its predictor in the Endogenous Models panel.

We get exactly the same results obtained in lavaan (cf UCLA statistical consulting webpage).

 Parameter Estimates                                                                                                  
   Dep      Pred      Estimate      SE            Lower         Upper         β             z            p            
   read     motiv      0.4760551    0.03685137     0.4038277     0.5482824     0.4818294    12.918245    < .0000001   
   read     ppsych    -0.2157797    0.02960409    -0.2738027    -0.1577568    -0.2183970    -7.288849    < .0000001   
   arith    motiv      0.6000000    0.03577709     0.5298782     0.6701218     0.6000000    16.770508    < .0000001   

In UCLA page, there is an interesting discussion about the residuals variances of this model, compared with a model with endogenous covariances set to zero. The discussion is useful to understand the difference in the results of a multivariate path analysis model (more than one dependent variable) as compared with a series of univariate models.

We can reason on this issue from the angle of the variance explained, thus the \(R^2\)’s.

Model 3 \(R^2\) are the following:

   Variable    R²           Lower        Upper       
   read        0.3324719    0.2651740    0.3998317   
   arith       0.3600000    0.2924226    0.4268227   

We can wonder what would be the \(R^2\)’s one obtains if one runs two independent multiple regressions, one for each dependent variables. Employing jamovi regression, we obtain:

  • Dependent=read

  • Dependent=arith

For arith the \(R^2\) is the same found with PATHj, but for read it is different. The reason is that the two regressions do not consider the correlation between read and arith, that cannot be included in the model and help to explain variance. The path analysis model, instead, considers that variance and incorporates it in the variance explained.

If we want to obtain with the path analysis the exact results obtained with two regressions, we should set the correlation between read and arith to zero, so the model would not include it in the variance explained. We can do that by setting the corresponding label (p6) to zero in the Custom Model Settings with the directive p6==0.

   Variable    R²           Lower        Upper       
   read        0.3516267    0.2840957    0.4186440   
   arith       0.3600000    0.2924227    0.4268228   

Results are now identical to the individual regressions. In other words, the advantage of a multivariate model over a series of individual univariate models is that the endogenous variables correlations are taken into the account in the former, and ignored in the latter. incidentally, a multivariate model with orthogonal (not correlated) dependent variables does not have any advantage over a series of univariate models.